Staphylococcus aureus is a Gram-positive bacterial species in the family Streptococococcaceae in the phylum Firmicospora
They can cause numerous health problems, such as infections of the skin, mouth, nose and throat. In the laboratory, they tend to look like yeasts, but when grown under normal conditions, they look more like a mould. Under the microscope, they resemble a round spore. Staphylococci are obligate anaerobes.
Staphylococcal organisms are responsible for the majority of sore throat and flu-like illnesses. The term "staph" refers to the genus of the staph bacterium that causes the disease. It can infect both humans and animals. There are several forms of staph, including strains that are airborne, and those which live in the nasal passages and on the skin. However, most cases of staph are caused by the species Streptococcus salivarius.
Staph is resistant to a number of antibiotics, including penicillin, tetracycline, and erythromycin. Therefore, it is important to use broad-spectrum antibiotics if you have Staphylococcus aureus on your skin. One way to make sure you don't have staphylococcus is to always wash your hands before touching your face, especially if you are in the toilet or have diarrhea. If you do come into contact with staphylococcus, the best prevention method is to keep the area clean, dry and away from your face.
Skin infection can occur by touching contaminated objects and / or objects contaminated with anaerobes (bacteria in the absence of oxygen). The skin infection can be superficial or deep and is often accompanied by fever. Staph causes a severe rash, sometimes resulting in extensive skin lesions, peeling and blistering. They also cause serious complications such as sepsis, pneumonia, abscesses, and heart attack.
Staph spreads easily through direct skin-to-skin contact and can travel through the air. They can be spread to other people by coughing, sneezing, kissing, hugging, sharing towels, or similar products. and / and / or items. in contact with your mouth. and / nose / throat. and then by touching other parts of the body. Transmission of the disease through blood transfusion is also possible.
If staphylococcus is present, treatment should be started as soon as possible to prevent the spread of the infection. Antibiotics are usually prescribed to kill bacteria. However, some patients may need several courses of treatment over several months. Long-term use of antibiotics can cause serious side effects. Alternative treatments include the use of natural products such as vinegar, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, and zinc oxide, which kill bacteria without damaging healthy cells and provide symptom relief.
Antibiotic tablets can be used to treat mild cases of staph. Longer-term use of antibiotics is necessary if the staph is resistant to antibiotics. Natural products, particularly eucalyptus oil, provide complete symptomatic relief while also reducing the chances of recurrence of the disease. In more serious cases, you may need to consult a doctor.
If staph is not treated properly or if you are suffering from recurrent staph, there are simple steps you can take to prevent recurrence. Avoid sharing towels, razors or other medical equipment that have come into contact with your skin. Wash your hands frequently after removing your socks and showering to remove germs. If you do come into contact with someone who has an active infection, wash the affected area carefully with soap and water using a Q-tip. and rinse thoroughly.
If you are already suffering from a staph, these simple steps may help alleviate your symptoms. Use antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle or spray directly onto your infected area to treat the infection. The most effective treatment is to use natural products with high concentrations of Vitamin E, such as eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil. If these don't work, visit your doctor for further advice.
Avoid contact with other people who may be carriers of staph, such as medical staff
Other natural remedies include garlic and yogurt, both of which are known to kill bacteria, but are also highly effective against staph. Also try using antihistamines such as diphenhydramine and cetrimide.
Staph can cause serious problems for people with compromised immune systems. In this situation, people who are immunocompromised, AIDS sufferers and infants, pregnant women and people with diabetes may be at increased risk of developing severe infections from staph. It is important to make sure that they know about their risks and the options available to them.