A lump or swelling in the lower lid of the eye and redness of the lid are usually two visible symptoms of an eyelid problem called an eyelash problem.
Symptoms of eyelash infection include:
- Pain in the eye. Pain in the eye can be described as one of those sharp, piercing or stabbing pains experienced by the sufferer that goes on, almost never ending. Usually a symptom of an eyelash infection is the pain felt while trying to wash the affected area with a wet finger.
- Soreness. The soreness of the infected area is one of those feelings of burning or itching felt around the eye. However, if this is coupled with pain, it is more likely that the soreness is caused by an eyeball infection. It is important to note that eyelashes are not inflamed by eye stye but it may sometimes feel like it.
- Crustiness on the skin's surface. When an eyeball infection is present, the infected region becomes extremely crusty and very dry. If a person who has an eyeball infection does not use gloves while touching the sore area, they will experience an itching sensation.
- Thickening of the lid. If a person feels their eyelashes are becoming thicker than normal, they should consult a doctor as an eyeball infection can spread through the lymphatic system. The thicker or longer eyelashes can also indicate a higher risk of contracting an eyeball infection.
- Loss of eyelashes. If the infected area in the lid is not present, but the surrounding skin is starting to thicken, this could mean that eyelash infection is present. If the area where eyelashes start falling out is not present, it could indicate that an eyeball infection is present.
- Eye styes are treatable. Treatment is normally performed by taking prescribed antibiotics or retinoids or even topical creams that can be used topically to prevent further irritation. or infection of the affected area.
These symptoms may not be life threatening
However, it is essential to consult a doctor if you suspect an infection if you have any of them so that a proper diagnosis can be made.

These common symptoms are generally not serious and are easily treated with medicines or antibiotics
There are many people who have experienced severe cases of infection. In this case, surgical removal of the eyelid is usually required.
If the infection is in the middle of the eyelid, surgery may be needed to cut away the eyeball so that it can be removed. This is to ensure that the infection does not spread.
For people who have an eyelid infection, the most common treatment involves applying an antibiotic ointment to the infected area at night and cleaning it with warm water after each application of this ointment. Another option is using a drop or gel that is applied to the area for the same purpose.
Eye stye treatment should be continued until the eyelid is completely healed or until the infection is gone. This is because the eye she has the ability to re-infect the area. This is particularly true when the infected area is inflamed and red.
Although there are some treatments available, the most effective treatment for eyelid infections is prevention. The infection can also be prevented by using gloves when handling the eyelashes and drying them thoroughly.
The area around the eyes should be kept dry, this way the infection of the eye she will not spread and cause further irritation. The affected area should be cleaned regularly with warm water to prevent re-infection.
In the event that the infection is severe, the doctor may recommend the use of an eye stye treatment such as Plucosporin, a medication that is commonly used for eye stye. This medication, however, can be quite painful. The treatment can also be very expensive. Therefore, it is best to seek medical help before undergoing the treatment.
The treatment will not be painful but it may be painful. Therefore, the safest method of treating an eyelid infection is prevention, this way, the infection will not spread.