Triptans are a group of chemical-based medications used as an abortive drug in the treatment of cluster headaches and migraines. This drug group was first released in the early 1990s. While effective at treating specific headaches, they are not generally considered a permanent cure and do not offer any preventive care.


The main mode of action of triptans is to relieve pain by suppressing serotonin and norepinephrine receptors in the brain. They also decrease the amount of serotonin entering the bloodstream. Although there are several types of antidepressants that target neurotransmitters, triptans work best because they are based on an established mechanism that has been proven to be effective over time. When triptans first appeared on the market, the side effects were quite pronounced. The most common side effect associated with triptans was nausea.


Triptan-related nausea is not a side effect. These chemicals are extremely toxic. It is extremely dangerous for humans to be exposed to these compounds without adequate protection. This is why it is so important to follow directions when taking triptans or any other drug that causes these reactions.


The side effects of triptans can vary from person to person, depending on individual metabolism and how much of the drug is absorbed into the body. The most common side effects of triptans include drowsiness and nausea. They can also cause seizures, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, difficulty or loss of consciousness. The severity of side effects of triptans will also vary and may include all or only some of the above symptoms.


People who experience more serious side effects than others should see a doctor immediately. If you notice any serious side effects, stop taking triptans immediately and see your doctor. While this drug has no long-term side effects, it is vital that you know what you are going through to make sure you and your family are not at risk of further damage to your health.



There have been several studies that show a link between triptans side effects and the ability of the hormone estrogen in our bodies. Estrogen can lead to migraines, but also increases the risk of stroke. If you are taking hormone replacement therapy to treat your migraine headaches, then you may want to discuss this with your doctor.


Because triptans are used only in the prevention of headaches, they are known to cause side effects


If you have had a headache before using the drug or after, then you should be extra careful in taking the drug.


In many cases, taking some of these medications or taking certain herbal supplements can help to reduce the potential for side effects. Before beginning a new course of medication, always talk with your doctor about this. If you do have any concerns about your health, speak with your doctor immediately.


Another common side effect of triptans is an increased appetite. If you experience an increase in appetite, eat carefully and take it easy, and you should be able to eat normally for at least one day after taking triptans. Also, avoid alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods.


There have been reports of the following side effects that can occur in people taking triptans: dizziness, hot flashes, difficulty swallowing, insomnia, and loss of balance. You should speak with your doctor about any side effects you are experiencing.


It is important that you ask your doctor about any changes that may have taken place when you are taking the drug. Do not hesitate to ask for a list of other drugs that you may be taking. if you feel uncomfortable about taking triptans.


Be aware that even though triptans are considered to be the safest form of migraine headache treatment, there may still be other treatments that you could be using that cause side effects. These drugs, such as over-the-counter medications, can be just as effective. Before taking any medications, always check with your doctor or a certified health care provider to make sure that you are taking the right drug for your health.